Table of contents (20 chapters)
Introduction: After the 15M
15M and Indignant Democracy: Legitimation Problems Within Neoliberal Capitalism
“Populism” as the Task of Constructing a People for Change
Podemos in Spain: Limits and Possibilities for Change
The 15M and the Financialization of Spanish Society
Basic Income: A Rational Proposal Guaranteeing the Material Existence of the Population
Feminism and Environmentalism in Dialogue with the 15M and the New Political Cycle in Spain
The Podemos Phenomenon and the Crisis of Civilization
Toward a Postindustrial Left in Spain: Political Parties and Social Movements Facing the Collapse of Civilization
Media Control and Emancipation: The Public Sphere in Post-15M Spain
Breaking the Walls of the Palace: The 15M Facing the Mass Media and the Culture Industry
From the Politicization of Life to the New Politics
Post-15M Grassroots Interventions in and for Public Space: Resurgence in Everyday Forms of Control and Resistance
PAH, the Platform for People Affected by Mortgages: A Transformative and Poliethical Mobilization
Culture a la contra: A Cultural Paradigm Toward Alternatives to the Civilizatory and Ecological Crisis
Reasons to Celebrate
Ending the Culture of Fear Once and for All: Notes on NegraBlanca and Other Forms of Post-15M Empowerment
Broken Authorities
A Specter Is Haunting the Recent Spanish Novel
Conclusion: Toward a New Cultural Politics for Spain